Monday, August 13, 2007

Not that kind of a Doctor...

The Doc suddenly found himself at a crossroads...should he reveal himself or take a bit of a beating in order that he not give himself away? "Damn." he thought...but the trolls and street trash (Hellions) kept taking shots at him.

"And to think I was going to get tea on my break" he thought to himself as he ducked a knife; suddenly he saw that the girl had gone down.He had seen her before, a street rat, somekind of ruffian or homeless kid that thought she was a bit tougher than what she was.At that moment, she found herself face down, spines and all. "Ok, she's ok for a few, now to clean things up and get that cup of Earl Grey."
Deep down he knew she was a mutant... she was familiar to him. He had all confidence that she would be ok. He had seen her before, she was some kind of a merciless Arachnos experiment gone awry; or it could've been anything or anyone that did THAT to her...Rikti, the Lost, those darn Vahz. "No time to think Doc, just clean up" and the Doc single-handedly took out the trash.

CH1CA found herself on a gurney in a hallway. "Hmmm this is new...NOT" and she lifted herself up. A nurse casually walked on by. "Ugh, friggin' compassion, they're all robots" she muttered. First thing's first, "check ur boots Chica!"she had to remind herself...dunno who this boot thief is, but he/she is NOT getting these babies; she reached down and touched her leather boots.They were probably the only descent thing her mother had left her. Years had passed since her mothers death, and of all her mothers earthlypossessions Ch1ca was finally able to fit the black stilletto boots. She remembered how hard it was to run in the things, but heck, "when u regen as fast as I do, there really is no need to worry about the blisters" she was glad to see that they were still on. This thought brought a semi-half smirk to her face. Just then, a man in a white coat stepped up to the metal gurney.

"Well now, looks like you are doing better." The coat smiled. Ch1ca was hesitant to say a thing and turned away; "FRAK he's gonna ask."
"If you have a moment, I'd like to thank you." Ch1ca raised her eyebrow. "Thank me?? for what?" she asked. "You saved my life back there on the street, dont u remember?" The Doc was secretely trying to pry, to see if she could recall his own transformation. "Ummm, uh, I guess I forgot?""Well, that's normal. you took quite a beating young lady." Suddenly Ch1ca remembered THE routine, HER routine; Check the boots, check for open cuts, blood! Not a sign...'sides the boots, still there. She looked up at the doctor, he grinned "Let me show you something." The Doc led her to the X-ray room,sat her on yet another gurney and stood in front of her explaining the photos. She said nothing, she had only followed him... and in the light of the x-ray she saw his face. He was older than she, a few scars on his hands, smart and handsome, and almost vaguely familiar...but she couldn't place him. "heh, probably from the hospital in Steel Canyon Ch1ca, where else" she thought to herself."and u had a major fraction on your left femur, but it seemed to have healed miraculously, can u maybe explain that?" Ch1ca shook herself out of her stasis. She had been thinking inwardly and seemed to have missed part of what he had said..."uh well, no. I can't explain it. sorry. Well I'm outty." With that she picked herself up and headed out the door. She was tense when she reached the vators. "c'mon stupid vators!!" she knew he would follow, she knew he'd ask, she knew he was there on the street to help and she knew that he couldn't keep her here.


Dr. Earl Grey said...

She got up and walked out, as if she were in a hurry.

Doc shook his head after she went through the elevator doors. He should follow, just to make sure she was going to be okay, but it was obvious, from her reaction to his question, that she wanted no help.

He’s seen her type many times before. The ones who felt that they are all alone in the world and that no one would understand them. This was not true of course; many heroes and groups of heroes exist to make sure that no one goes it alone. The City is not safe, especially for the lost few who believe they can solve their own problems their way. This girl…, whose name he never got from her…, was cruising for trouble and one day it may lead to her undoing. Hell, even he went through that phase and he was over twenty years older, with that he laughed at himself. “God I was stubborn!”

After a small fit of laughter he straightened up and put on him game face. Sometimes he hated his job as a Hero of the City. The weight of the City and the World rested upon his shoulders and the ones who were smart enough and careful enough to make it to that point. It is certainly not easy after the damned Rikti showed up, these kids have a lot to learn… and they need to learn it a lot faster.

He handed the lab coat to an orderly saying, “Thank you for letting me borrow this and thanks for the talc powder,” shaking his head and letting the fake gray fall out. “I want you to keep an open file on her and inform me of when she has visits to any hospital in the city. This,” pulling out his Omega Level clearance badge, “is to be kept between you and me.” He deftly put away the badge and started out the hospital.

She was still in eyeshot range, but he decided to let her go. One day their paths will cross again, he was sure of it, but damn it all if he couldn’t figure out whom she reminded him of.

Oh well…, time to see if his lunch date was still on, he desperately needed some earl grey. With that he leapt off with blazing speed to the closest base portal.

CHICA said...