Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Her return

"Rising up through the ashes like a phoenix..." oh god, what the hell that is so cliche...I gave up on a lot of things and being a hero was one of 'em. I couldn't deal with life after my brothers disappearance and especially after not being able to find him. After years and years of sifting through all that rikti trash. The scum. Nothing could describe the hatred I have for them. They took everything.

Chica rises from the hospital bed. Feeling the weight of her body
she struggles a bit...then the green haze...the CURSE as she refers to it (I don't mean the female curse)...begins to emanate from the tips of her toes to the crown of her head. As though waking from a heavy sleep she slowly opens her eyes. Cringing at the light and then surrendering to it. She starts to cry. But dry tear ducts aren't helping. She opens her mouth as if to speak but she's parched. She searches the room looking for a cup...anything for a sip of water.

"Regeneration my ass."

She wished that she could be enveloped by the darkness...for one FINAL time...not this bullshit. How long has it been this time she wondered.
How many more times must she venture to heaven then hell to save her family and herself? This time, while under, she was so close to finding him of almost feeling death and giving in to it. "Where do I start?" She stands up and walks over to the nearest window and looks outside. The
sky is blue. She almost wished it was dark. What day was it, what year? she needed a nurse. At that she begins to hear voices outside in the hall. She looks around her room. No one has been here. This time, no flowers, no empty vases, and no cards, nothing. "Heh I've finally been forgotten." She smirks then sits back on the bed. The door opens and a nurse walks in then jerks back abit; shocked at the site of seeing Chica sitting up she hits the button for a doctor. "Welcome back" and she turns on her heels and walks back into the hallway w/o eye contact or a smile. Chica hears more voices and they become louder as they enter her room.

She has her back to him. "I only have one doctor...where is he?" "uh, well, its been a long year...maybe longer. We are trying to locate him." "where are my clothes and my things? I need to leave." The doctor walks around her bed to look her in the eye..."Chica" before he could say another word...The room darkens and the entire room shakes. A loud "BOOM" pierces through the room and through her very soul...her eyes widen...could it be? She stands up, moves the doctor out of her way and rushes to the window. Chica lets out a cynical laugh. "AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaargghhh those sons of bitches!!!!"

It's as if they knew she would wake up today. She throws on what she can find and runs out of room #134 of the Chiron Medical Center and then out the front door. The Rikti are attacking Atlas Park...again.