Tuesday, July 17, 2007

CH1CA VAGA: A Recurring thing...

Snippets of her life unfold in front of her as she raises herself off the ground. Her brother’s face, her mom giving birth in the alley, aliens and the Lost. Her head is pounding, and she sees red. Not the kind that is metaphoric, but the kind that oozes down your face after a major ass whooping. She touches her hand to her eye; its puffy and bleeding, but not for long. She feels her skin healing itself “just another day” she thinks as she begins the routine of wiping her blood with her kerchief; making sure her boots are on (there is a apparently a shoe/boot thief in KR), dusting herself off and standing up she notices there is a dead silence in the city…no cars, no pedestrians, no cats mewing at the doors, even the buzzing of flies on the Vazhilok seems silent. Her first instinct…alien scum…They’re back. Her eyes are diverted to the sky...the last time they were here the sky turned grey and tumultuous clouds formed. "Maybe now I'll find him."

Suddenly her routine cleaning seems pointless, and she begins to panic a little but reaffirms herself "get a hold of yourself Chica, stay strong." The first place she thinks of and rushes to is her friend Violets house.


As though someone had slapped her in the face, the jerk or shock alone bolted her back into reality. “Where the hell am I and who is this jerk” she thought. “Come on babe gimme the goods or I’ll have to search for ‘em myself, hehe” said the Hellion. She turns to look him directly in the eye…she feels her power overcome her and suddenly she is not herself…she pummels him in a flash and “WHUMPH” sends the Hellion flying.

A scrawny girl barely even 16 yrs old when CH1CA met her in the sewers. It was the funniest thing CH1CA ever saw and in the Sewers of all places! Chica had been down there searching for Rikti and a group of Lost when she came across a couple of teens having an argument...well if u can call it that. Here was this scrawny girl and she had been yelling at her loser boyfriend to back off...when he didn't she suddenly busts out and clobbers him over the head! "WTF!" is Chica's first reaction, deciding that maybe she shouldn't break it up...then watching as the guy picks himself up and runs off. Violet stands there...LOL. "YOU PERV!!" she yells at the Hellion.

Chica walks out of the shadows towards Violet, "So you're ok?" Chica asked. Violet turns around looking very surprised and takes a swipe at Chica. Chica dodges it "Woe Woe watch it there! I was only asking...thought maybe you were in trouble." "Me in trouble? pfft." Violet responds. "Why are you even down here?" Chica asks. "Uh, I um, that idiot brought me down here to get some 'Dine, then he decided to keep it for himself and ditch me in here." Chica notices that Violet turned a little red in the face just then. "Well, let me help you out of here its a long way back and there are Lost and who knows what else lurking about." "I can find my own way out!" Just then a group of Rikti turn the corner and it’s on!

to be continued...